A Comprehensive E-book to Quit Smoking

Embrace Health, Regain Control, Empower Your Life

Are you struggling to quit smoking on your own? Our free ebook reveals the key insights you need to understand why stopping smoking has been so challenging and how you can finally break free.

Click on the button to get your FREE E-book now.



10 tips to stop smoking on your own including:

Glimpse of 5 tips is here...

Overcome Indecision

Our ebook explains how indecision can sabotage your efforts and provides strategies to commit fully to quitting.

Harness the Power of Words

Find out how positive and empowering words can boost your confidence and resilience, helping you stay on track.

Identify Your Smoking Patterns

By understanding your smoking patterns, you can develop personalized strategies to avoid triggers and reduce cravings

Debunk the Addiction Myth

Our ebook challenges common misconceptions about smoking addiction and shows you how to shift your mindset for success.

Wake Up from the Smoking Trance

Learn techniques to become more mindful and present, so you can take control of your actions and make healthier choices.


See What Others Have Said About Their Experience!

I'm Helena Jehnichen

Aka The Stop Smoking Lady

Helena Jehnichen is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Stop Smoking Expert with over 10 years of experience, helping more than 1200 clients both in person and globally through online video sessions. With a background in the Nutritional Industry spanning over 20 years,

Helena combines her extensive knowledge with advanced training in various modalities, including EFT, NLP, The Emotion Code, Core Transformation, and BWRT.

Her unique protocol has garnered international recognition, leading to invitations to present at esteemed events such as Hypnothoughts Live, The Stop Smoking Summit, The Dave Elman Legacy Conference, and as a guest presenter on Michael Losier’s Releasing Negative Emotions Show and Freddy Jacquin’s “Fred Talks.”

Having smoked for 23 years and been smoke-free since 2000, Helena understands the challenges you face. Her programs are meticulously designed to address your unique needs and guide you towards a smoke-free life.

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Grab Your FREE E-BOOK Today!

Get ready to reclaim your health, regain control,

and make each day smoke-free.

Get ready to reclaim your health, regain control,

and make each day smoke-free.

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